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Iden Werder

Founder & Principal Consultant

Offering years of experience in recruitment and sales team management, Iden first made his start as a Mechanical Engineer. After transitioning into the corporate world, he found opportunities to lead, build and manage sales teams within corporate services and financial markets.

Iden has an impressive and handy skillset encompassing recruitment, sales management and corporate business services, using his mechanic aptitude to full advantage. A relentless hunter of strong results, Iden’s wealth of experience and knowledge ensure he understands the needs of each client, locating and screening the talent you’ve been seeking. He takes the high road – a professional, ethical and honest approach underpins each search and relationship. As a trusted partner, Iden offers the confidence that he is on your team, always dealing in the best interest of your business.

On a personal level, Iden is a big lover of challenging enduro rides, as well as the standard outdoor interests, including boating, fishing, hunting and camping with family and friends. Iden’s never been able to shake off the drive to rebuild something and always has a boat, bike or some machine that’s getting the big overhaul.

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